Usborne The Unhurry Book


Usborne Unhurry Book


Age Recommended 7 - 10

Now breathe… and relax. This write-in activity book is all about taking a little time to breathe, focus, and be calm, with the help of some friendly sloths. Try a little yoga, color in soothing squiggles, or go on a sense safari – take a quiet moment just for you. With links to Usborne Quicklinks with specially selected websites for more relaxation activities.

Series: Activity Journals
Behold the antidote to boredom at last! Whether it’s a rainy afternoon or a long summer’s day, whether you’re at home or with friends, you’ll never get bored with these books. Includes an elastic bookmark so you won’t lose your place!

Size - 24.5 * 19 cm

80 pages 

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